Stop the Bleed Kits

Mass Casualty Incidents (MCIs) are chaotic and put an immense toll on all emergency resources. As much as we hope for them not to happen, all emergency services must be prepared for the worst. In recent years we’ve had many learning opportunities from both large and small scale MCIs worldwide that will better the effectiveness of emergency services and ultimately the outcome of patients in future events. One lesson learned specifically in Los Vegas (2017), was how greatly bystanders could have helped...

For Voting Members: Summary of Budget 2019 as it pertains to paramedic services

This year the Ontario Association of Paramedic Chiefs was invited to the 2019/2020 Provincial Budget Lock Up.  This is the first time in the history of our Association that this invitation was offered, and we are appreciative of the Ontario Government for their invitation and ongoing recognition of the OAPC as a key stakeholder to Paramedic Services in Ontario.  President Neal Roberts attended on behalf of the Association and had the opportunity to review the Budget Document in detail. Please...

Helicopter Landing Zone Safety

Ornge, Ontario’s provider of air ambulance and related services, recently launched a new landing zone safety video for first responders and healthcare providers in Ontario. The video was created to ensure the safety of first responders, crew, patients and the public when interacting with an Ornge helicopter. The video highlights: How first responders and healthcare providers can prepare themselves for an Ornge helicopter landing and departure; Choosing, preparing and securing a suitable landing site; Expectations for helicopter arrival and departure; Approaching...

Reflections on a career in paramedicine by Retired Paramedic Chief, Keith Kirkpatrick

It is hard to believe that I have had a career in Paramedicine that has spanned almost four decades!  Thirty-eight years have passed since the first day I walked into the Lindsay Ambulance station to find out how to become an ambulance attendant.  My dad had suggested the idea and I took his advice and went to the station to ask some questions.  That day, I met Len Vanpelt and Clare Gordon who showed me around the station, the ambulance...