“Meet the most interesting Canadian”: Paying tribute to OAPC’s Honorary Chief Emeritus, the incredible Honorary Lieutenant General Richard Rohmer on his 100th birthday

24 Jan “Meet the most interesting Canadian”: Paying tribute to OAPC’s Honorary Chief Emeritus, the incredible Honorary Lieutenant General Richard Rohmer on his 100th birthday

By OAPC President Michael Sanderson

Today we wish a very happy centennial birthday to the Ontario Association of Paramedic Chief’s Honorary Chief Emeritus, Honorary Lieutenant General Richard Rohmer.  Born in my favourite city, Hamilton, we have had the privilege of having HLGen Rohmer as OAPC’s Honorary Chief for more than 20 years. During this time, he has presented thousands of Governor General Emergency Medical Service Exemplary Service Medals and Bars on our behalf. 

For those of us fortunate to have met HLGen Rohmer, he is simply an incredible man.  While receiving an Exemplary Service Medal (ESM) is in itself an honour, paramedics view an ESM received from his hands as being doubly honoured.  Giving of his time, loving to talk and tell his stories, and always a gentleman, HLGen Rohmer brings the meaning of “exemplary” to life.  Our association thanks you.

The first and only Honorary Chief of the Ontario Association of Paramedic Chiefs, the presenter of the original ‘Rohmer Commendation’, Honorary Deputy Commission of the OPP, Honorary Chief of Toronto Paramedic Service, Honorary Chief of Toronto Police Service, Honorary Fire Chief of Collingwood, former Patron of St. John Ambulance… Our emergency services thank you.

Former Chancellor of University of Windsor, spearheading many provincial projects including the Ontario Veterans Memorial, and involvement in advisory capacity to many agencies.  Ontario thanks you.

Serving this country as an RCAF fighter and reconnaissance pilot in WW2, D-Day, the Battle of Normandy, and the Liberation of Holland, HLGen Rohmer then served in the RCN Reserve, and then in the RCAF Reserve, leaving the military as a Major-General after 39 years.  Not contented, he served as honorary advisor to the Chief of Defence staff and was appointed Honorary Lieutenant General.  Canada thanks you.

HLGen Rohmer has received many honorary degrees (Doctor of Laws, Doctor of Military Science) and has more medals and awards than any other Canadian (Order of Canada, the Order of Military Merit, Knight of the Order of St. John, the Order of Ontario, the Distinguished Flying Cross, and many others).  

A distinguished author (I fondly remember reading Ultimatum, Exxoneration and Exodus UK cover to cover), he is able to engage and connect with words in political, social and military constructs.

As the National Post put it: “Meet the most interesting Canadian…”. And he continues to honour our paramedics in all of his activities.  Honorary Lieutenant General Rohmer, you are a treasure to Canada and to us.  Happy 100th birthday sir.